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(A summary of a discussion at Google groups Coworking- Mar 2007 discussion. For current discussion and devlopment, please see Healthcare)



Coworking Health Care

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involved in the coworking movement to offer group health insurance as

a group to have greater price negotation?"



Possible/Proposed Directions Toward A Solution:




Partnering with existing Organizations for Independents


The Coworking network could partner with existing self-employed/freelancer organizations, on the precondition of a discount.


Examples of organizations discussed include:





Benefits to Partnering with existing Organizations for Independents:





Possible roadblocks to Partnering with existing Organizations for Independents:



It is also suggested that each local Coworking group try to list the best known existing health care for independents available in your area.



Providing/Sharing Good Information on Healthcare Options




Creating a Cooperative or Non Profit Based organization


Possible Organizations Discussed:



Benefits: Pooling purchasing power, and potentially using existing infrastrucutre of othe organizations


Potential Roadblocks: Lots of overhead and administration.



Benefits: Governed by people paying dues, gives potentially most leverage of group purchasing power, depending on how Cooperative is organized.


Potential Roadblocks: Probably the most intensive overhead and administration. Most cooperatives ultimately hire professionals to manage routine administration. But, there is still involvement required in governing.


Seeding, Enabling and Connecting with Networks of Independet Health Care Professionals


remain independent and pursue making a living doing what they love to do?"







  • Blogging about it?
  • Some form of outreach to healthcare independents outreach?
  • (un) conferences in or near universities where health care is taught?
  • Getting Coworkers to go out in their areas and talk to health care independents?
  • Other...???

  • Who are the plausible early adopters that will create the core enthusiastic community of health care independents that this could spread from? 


  • How can the Coworking community work together to help make this option for healthcare independents more desireable and attractive than the HMOTreadmill?**






    Moved here from Original Healthcare page. -- SamRose